Bringing water filters and hope to remote communities

Water for Life Charity Fiji water projects are filled with life-changing water filter distributions and trainings.

Partnering with ROAM Humanitarian, our Fiji water projects combine service with sharing essential water resources. 

Our water projects in Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 served remote communities on the islands of Uthuituvu and Taveuni. Because of their remote locations, communities on these islands often lack the resources and infrastructure to provide clean water and the opportunities that come with it. 

But remote or rural locations should never exclude individuals from the health and opportunities provided by clean, safe drinking water. 

Limited resources and consistent health challenges are two major issues seen in local Fijian communities that VF100 water filters can directly address. 

On our first trip to Fiji, Water for Life Charity distributed and helped assemble 50 water filters, and in April 2024, we distributed another 110 filters to families in need, with an additional 25 on the way. 

These filters will provide clean, safe drinking water for Fijian families and communities for years to come. 

After visiting communities and seeing the current damaged condition of water tanks at a local K-8 school on our most recent Spring 2024 trip, Water for Life Charity will be going back to the area with four new water tanks to replace the damaged ones currently at the school.

Clean water changes and saves life. Donate today to help Water for Life Charity continue to distribute life-saving water filters to families and communities in Fiji.